Sankofa Membership

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This is an application used to screen and select Founding Members of Sankofa Ecovillage(SEV) Homeowners Association. The information requested will enable us to give you every consideration as a potential Founding Member.

I understand that founding members must contribute to the development and ongoing success of Sankofa Ecovillage. The contribution may include cash, labor, professional/technical services or other types of “sweat equity” that positively affect the physical or programmatic development of SEV.

I understand that by completing and submitting this application I am expressing an interest in this project. I am in no way legally or financially obligated to purchase anything. 

:::Skill Sets for the Development of Sankofa Ecovillage:::

Please check your skill sets below.

Travel to Ghana to See the SEV Site

Please indicate your interest in traveling to Ghana to the Sankofa Ecovillage site on one of our upcoming tours listed in the Tour section of the HFA website. Click here Motherland Tour Schedule to see our 2015 to 2017 tour schedule.